Schedule of Events
Ministry Service
Holy Week Services sponsored by the Tri-County Pastors
Monday thru Friday March 25th-29th
7:00pm nightly
Easter March 31st
Sunrise 6:00am
Breakfast 7:30am
Sunday School 8:45am
Play 10:00am
Pastor's Anniversary 10am May 5th
Dr. Valerie Matthews (guest)
Men's Day 10am June 23rd
Homecoming 10am July 20th
Wednesday 7pm July 24th
Pastor Wayne Tucker
Little Zion Baptist Church
Thursday 7pm July 25th
Pastor Ryan Perkins
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
Friday 7pm July 26th
Pastor Clarence Bolton
Union Baptist Church
133rd Church Anniversary 10am September 1st
​Usher's Anniversary 10am October 6th